Friday, March 18, 2011

Fastelavnsboller (Shrovetide buns)

These are a traditional thing to eat in Norway on Fastelavnsøndag, or Shrovetide Sunday. Other parts of the world know this period before Lent as carnival or Mardi Gras. In England, they have Pancake Day. It is one last chance to indulge and use up your rich food before the fasting of Lent begins. 

Fastelavnsboller are indeed rich. They consist of hveteboller, slightly sweet, round cardemom-scented buns that go perfectly with coffee and can be bought practically everywhere in Norway all year round. However, about a week before Lent, they are split in half horizontally and then filled with whipped cream and a mound of either jam or almond paste, and then dusted with powdered sugar. They are decadent and absolutely delightful. 

The one pictured here contained almond paste was perfect blend of richness and sweetness.  I absolutely adore anything almond-flavored, so I was in heaven. The whipped cream was light, fluffy, with a touch of sweetness. It was the perfect afternoon pick-me-up. 

Here is a picture of the half-eaten bun, the top layer already eaten. You can see a layer of almond paste underneath the mountain of cream. Yes, this is definitely the type of treat to be eaten just once a year. 

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